1913 Life Cover
Artist: O'Malley |
Beguiling. There were so many magazines being published in the first 40 years of the 20th century, it was a golden age for talented illustrators, men and women. Holiday covers must have been a challenge. How many ideas were rejected by the publishers? Here are some that made it.
1908 Life Artist: Victor C. Anderson |
The early years of of cover illustration were romantic years. This is a clever cover because it forms the face of the jack o'lantern.
1934 American Boy |
You can't go wrong with a black cat. By the way, did you know that animal shelters won't allow black cats to be adopted during October in an attempt to protect their innocent lives.
1919 Today's Housewife |
1924 The Household Magazine |
I'm unable to read the names of these artists.
1936 The Grade Teacher |
I remember bobbing for apples at a Halloween party in the 1950s. Apples were smaller than. Maybe it's easier now that commercial apples are so much larger to get your teeth into one.
1933 Collier's Artist: Hans Kir n |
Some humor in the depths of the Great Depression.
1934 Liberty Artist: Vernon Grant |
1911 Life |
This cover was not created for Halloween, but I found it a bit creepy. Since a lot of Americans will have snow on Halloween, perhaps these are the creatures that will come out tomorrow night.
They are enchanting! Just fabulous.