Monday, May 29, 2017

Ancient Stone Circle at Castlerigg, Cumbria

Castlerigg Ancient Stone Circle
 During our recent visit to Cumbria, England, after walking Hadrian's Wall HERE, my favorite experience was our visit the ancient stone circle outside of the town of Keswick, in the Lake District, where we stayed for a week.
Lake Derwentwater at the edge of Keswick
Map of the stones and their surrounding mountains at the site.
Older than Stonehenge, these stones sat encircled on this hilltop for thousands of years. 

After an April shower with more rain predicted, Jay and I drove up a narrow winding lane in early evening. As we'd hoped, few visitors were present - and then they left and we were alone. 

Wherever you turn are valleys ringed by mountains, the same view the ancients had. Because I have ancestors from this Border region of England and Scotland, perhaps the old blood of my blood had gathered here for pagan ceremony.

Over the valley rain returned and with it twilight.  And then was only the earth and the stones and the hollow sky.

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