Saturday, November 26, 2016

An Autumn Ramble

Find Jamie in this photo.

Autumn is ending, but a walk with the cats still reveals intriguing sights. 

The creek takes on color as leaves drift down.  I played in this creek as a child in summers when it wasn't so icy.

Claire found a warm spot at the corner of the old log barn where Dad stored hay. Now fallen in, it was built by Mr. Cable in the 1890s.

A few apples cling to branches. Sour and hard in October, this late apple is now crisp and sweet, despite frosty nights.  I shake one down to munch while I walk.

The deer will wait near an apple tree for apples to drop.  We have over one hundred wild apple trees on the place -- and lots of deer.  Bears come through every evening, too.

You never know what you'll run across if you take a different route.

A tramp over our 66 acres is enjoyable, even more so with friends along.

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