Friday, December 10, 2010

Mom and the Doll

Mom always had a cat on her lap when she lived at home. About a year after she went into assisted living, and her dementia had become pretty bad, but she still wanted to get up to let out the cats or let in the dog, I purchased a furry toy cat that purred and vibrated when you flipped the switch.  It didn't work out. The cat's ears were stiff and Mom decided it was a dead cat. It upset her. The toy cat migrated into another resident's room and finally disappeared, probably given to a visiting grandchild.  So, it was with a small joy that I heard today from the nurse that when Mom gets restless and tries to get out of her chair (she can't walk any longer), the nurse has given Mom a baby doll to hold and Mom rocks it and murmurs to it, and even burps it.  And for a short time she is focused on something, instead of staring at nothing or keeping her eyes shut.

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